The NFT sector has been growing at an astonishing rate. Atlas is looking to capitalize on this ever growing market while continuously adding more features & utility to the Petoverse Project
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The NFT sector has been growing at an astonishing rate. Atlas is looking to capitalize on this ever growing market while continuously adding more features & utility to the Petoverse Project
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All Atlas Petoverse NFT come in the form of "Fragments"
Users can Mix and Match the NFTs to give flair to your costume, or combine a whole set to unlock one of the many power ups that comes with ownership off full matching sets. The NFTs in Atlas's Petoverse will also serve as a potential source of income for players. By utilizing the Marketplace, you can buy and sell your NFTs for profits! Additionally, these fragments will be naturally obtainable throughout your time spent exploring & battling throughout the Petoverse!
Costume â The players will have the freedom to mix and match all the NFT fragments based on the preferences the player has. The more stylish you make it, the more unique and fun it is.
Power Ups â The complete set of NFT will serve as an in-game power-ups for the player. There are many kinds of unique boosts, such as: Revive, power-ups, etc. This will enhance the gameplay & at times, earning potential, to the next level.
Unlock P2E Functionality â The NFT will also serve as a key for players to start earning $PETOGEM in the game. The requirement is not complicated. The players just need to own a TBD amount of full costume sets. (ex: 1 costume set = 6 NFT fragments)
The marketplace is the transactional hub for all things NFT related in the game. This is where users can Sell, Buy, Auction, or Trade Petoverse costume sets/fragments. It will be available first as a standalone website/feature outside of the game. As we expand into metaverse/multiplayer, the Marketplace will become an important incorporated feature found in our Petoverse Plaza!
(NFT Wave 1/Marketplace Expected October-November 2022) More details to come!